Our Cattle are Raised Naturally

Our beef is 100% grass fed in free range conditions from start to finish.


We focus on humane animal treatment. No animals are put in confinement conditions.

All pastures and forages for our grass fed beef is organically managed.

We provide our beef with their natural diet in their natural environment.

We work with our local USDA-inspected processor to produce the safest meat possible.

Our high quality beef is raised without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fed antibiotics, steroids, or added hormones.

We Believe Natural Is Best.

Cattle are ruminants allowing them to metabolize grasses and live their whole life thriving off pasture. The results of grazing on a purely grass diet benefit the animals, the land, and the humans that consume the meat. 100% grassfed beef is lower in saturated fats, higher in Omega 3 fatty acids, and higher in vitamins. The animals are able to maintain a healthy weight and live an active lifestyle exhibiting natural behaviors. Cattle give back to the land by sequestering carbon and fertilizing the soil with their manure. One major difference between grass-fed and conventional grain-fed cattle is the use of antibiotics and hormones. Using antibiotics for cattle started in the 1940s, and the use of antibiotics, as well as hormones, has continued to grow over the years.

Feedlots typically add hormones to the feed of their grain-fed cattle to help them to grow larger, faster and be ready for harvest earlier. Our grass-fed cattle never receive hormones.

In addition to hormones, another major concern about animals raised in feedlots is their susceptibility to diseases caused by eating a diet they are not accustomed to and being so confined in the feedlot.

Managing the spread of disease can be challenging, since animals move in and out of feedlots often. Some diseases animals contract can be passed on to humans who consume the meat, causing major concerns. One specific issue of concern is E. coli. When cattle eat grain, it makes their intestines more acidic, which promotes the growth of bacteria such as E. coli. If you eat under-cooked beef that has E. coli, it could harm you.

Because feedlots’ smaller spaces give way to the increased spread of diseases, it is common for antibiotics to be used in feedlots due to the amount of beef in an unatural and space-limited living conditions. Grass-fed diets also provide nutrients that boost the immune system and help limit the chances of needing antibiotics.

The overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance in animals and create superbugs. This antibiotic resistance is passed to humans who consume the beef. Today, antibiotic resistance is a major concern for the public and doctors.

Understanding the process involved in creating the food you consume is an important step in making an informed decision about the food you eat.

Brenneman Farms Brand will ensure you beef that is: 100% grass-fed, pasture raised, raised without antibiotics, non-confined, forage only diet, no added hormones, and locally grown in the rolling hills of Jay County, Indiana!