Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to learn about the proteins we raise for you and your loved ones! Eating healthy, wholesome foods is very important to us. Over the years we have realized a great need in the marketplace for homegrown foods that have not been raised using chemicals or techniques that embrace genetically modified organisms (GMO), typically used by many of today's farmers. Our desire is to offer you wholesome regeneratively-raised meats from our family farm. We uphold transparency with the way we raise our animals, giving you confidence in what you eat as you deserve! Thanks for joining us!
Our Family
The Brenneman family resides in a quaint farmhouse amid the rolling hills of Jay County, Indiana. Alvin and Christine Brenneman were married in 2000 and are blessed with ten children. Each family member plays an important role in the operation of the farm - feeding the chickens, bedding the animals during the winter, and getting orders ready. Adam, the oldest son, heads off the hay-making and helps with the farm management.
Our Farm
A righteous man regards the life of his beast, the Bible says. The Brenneman family prioritizes the well-being of the animals. Situated among 250 acres, the animals have plenty of room to roam and feed on the rich summer grasses. During the winter months they take shelter among fresh bedding in the barns. The farm includes pet bunnies for the little girls, goats and their kids, and deer the girls bottle-raised.
Our Faith
Faith is an important part in the lives of the Brenneman family. After living a corrupt life in their younger years, Alvin and Christine gave their hearts to the Lord early in their marriage, and their life has never been the same. Thanks be to God for giving eternal hope and rescuing souls from the bondage of sin! Their family seeks to live the Bible out in everyday life and is blessed to be part of a local body of believers.